
Starting At the Finish Line

I have always wanted a sports blog, so I figured that tonight was the night that it would be born. You never want your kid to be blue and undersized when it comes out, so I figured that I should start this blog out right. (I can say this, because I was both of these things.)

I have always been a huge fan of fantasy sports. I have been playing them since 1998. There is a feature on Yahoo Sports that allows you to rekindle the past, and look at your old fantasy teams. This was very exciting for me. I was not disappointed, in case you were wondering. There was one problem with this for me. I had some terrible team names. For some reason the first year I played is not on there, but I remember what the name was. "Potomac Pacers". One of the worst names ever. I did not finish in the upper half of that league. I did not deserve it. Simple as that.

Without further ado, it is time to play a little game. This is something that not everyone knows about, but it is one of the most important things that anyone should ever know. I will give you two players. Player A, and Player B. No cheating ahead.

Player A: 28.4 Pts, 7.6 Rebs. 7.3 Ast. 1.7 Stl
Player B: 16.4 Pts. 9.4 Rebs. 5.8 Ast. 1.3 Stl

Those? Those numbers are comparable. Sure, Player A did some things on the offensive end that Player B did not. Player B could grab you a rebound if you needed one. That is for damn sure a fact. I will now unveil who these players are.

Player A? LeBron James this year. This is someone that people will tell their grandchildren about, and these are his stats from the year that is his best one statistically up to now. You would be hard pressed to be in a fantasy basketball league where this guy will not go first next year. People are crowning him as the best ever, even before winning a championship ring. You better believe that those numbers are great.

Player B? Now this one is a little bit more tricky for a casual fan. These are the numbers of a certain Seminole/Hawk that stole the hearts of many. These are the numbers of Bob Sura in the 03-04 season during the last four weeks of the season. From March 15 to April 14. For those of you that play, you know that these are easily the most important weeks of the season. Bob Sura knew this I believe. I really think he had himself on all of his fantasy teams. This will go down as one of the greatest showings by a Fantasy Basketball player ever. I picked him up in all four leagues that I was in, and he led them friends, he led them.

In closing, I am opening this blog with one of the greats: Bobby Sura -- Slam Dunk Contest Competitor -- Three Point Contest Competitor -- NBA Live 95 Great -- A legend in the hearts of many.